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IMPRA member meeting - In the middle of a pandemic

IMPRA invites you to a digital networking meeting on Sunday 28/3 at 3 pm.
The theme of this meeting is: IMPRA what do we do and what can you do? We dive deep into IMPRA's work and give you tools on how you yourself can contribute to a more inclusive, equal and equal jazz climate wherever you are in Sweden.
You do not need to be a member of IMPRA to attend our meetings. Feel free to bring a friend, family member or jazz enthusiast to the digital meeting if you/you are interested in IMPRA's work.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 757 270 3790
Passcode: 3pi77C
Hope to see you!
Jazz-Sweden celebrates International Jazz Day 2021

International Jazz Day falls every year on the eve of Valborg Fair and is celebrated worldwide. The aim is to highlight jazz and its important role when it comes to uniting people in the world.
2020 was the premiere for a larger coordinated Swedish participation - and now it's time again! We invite everyone to connect to the digital jazz heat in the afternoon at Valborg. Together with Knutpunkt, one of the initiators of last year's edition, the Swedish Jazz Association coordinates the national effort.
The program
(The start times for each concert are preliminary)
14.30 Nefertiti at Valand in Gothenburg: Welcome to the Livestudio
2.40 pm Umeå Jazz studio: New Orbits
15.05 Music in Lerum: Anna Lundqvist & Fabian Kallerdahl
15.30 Öbacka Jazz & blues in Härnösand: Jonas Öberg trio with Henrik Gad
15.55 From the studio: Musician conversation with Anna Lundqvist
16.10 Jazz in Malmö: Autonomous
16.35 Lupino Live Stockholm: Sonny and the Wolf
17.05 Bollnäs Jazz Club: Malin Wättring 4
17.30 Nefertiti at Valand in Gothenburg: Final words from the live studio
Time: Friday, April 30 at 14:30-17:45
The broadcast can be found on: Knutpunkt's Vimeo channel and Svensk Jazz Facebook
Pleased for those of you who do not have the opportunity to follow the entire broadcast in real time, is that it will remain all weekend and thus be able to be seen afterwards until Sunday evening, May 2.
Ticket price: The audience swipes their festival ticket to number 1236434989, suggested SEK 150
The Swedish celebration of International Jazz Day is a collaboration between Swedish Jazz, Knutpunkt, Öbacka Jazz & Blues, Scenkonst Västernorrland, Jazz in Malmö, Musik i Syd, Bollnäs Jazz Club, Kultur Gävleborg, Musik i Lerum, Vänersborg's music association, Jazz association Nefertiti, Umeå Jazz studio, Umeå Folkets Hus, Lupino Live and IMPRA.
IMPRA Jazz Festival 2021

The association IMPRA is developing its activities in 2021 with a new one-day festival in the Stockholm area. The IMPRA Jazz Festival is the association's first festival effort and will take place on August 28.
Since 2006, IMPRA has supported and highlighted musicians who identify as women, transgender and non-binary who are active in jazz and improvisational music. This work continues as IMPRA launches the first version of the IMPRA Jazz Festival on August 28th. It will be the first festival that IMPRA organizes as the main event, and the inspiration for the initiative came at a board meeting in 2019.
In the work with the festival, IMPRA has sought like-minded partners and one of these is the sister organization Women in Jazz in Great Britain. In the UK, only 5% of jazz musicians identify as women, something that Women in Jazz is working to change through training, broadcasts and workshops. Within the framework of this collaboration, IMPRA can therefore invite drummer Jas Kayser to Sweden for the first time!
The festival is carried out with the support of Byggnads Kulturfond, Helgen Ax:on's foundation, the Equality Authority, the Swedish Cultural Council, Laila and Charles Gavatin's foundation for jazz music, the Swedish Music Agency and the City of Stockholm.
DATE: August 28
PLACE: Carnival. Kungsgatan 63, 111 22 Stockholm
TIME: Festival starts at 15:30, doors open at 15:00.
The event is free for everyone. First come to the door. 18-year limit.
Minors enter accompanied by a guardian.
15:30-16:30 Olimpia's Orkan
17:00-18:00 Panel discussion led by Almaz Yebio.
18:30-19:30 Maria Faust Jazz Catastrophe
20:00-21:00 Ukloprij
21:30-22:30 Iris Bergcrantz
17:00-18:00 Moderated by Almaz Yebio, the participants are Jas Kayser, Maria Faust and Selen Özan. To view the panel discussion online, click on the discussion's Facebook event:

IMPRA Jazz Festival is very pleased to be able to complete the festival's line-up with a panel discussion arranged in collaboration with Women in Jazz. There will be an exciting conversation between Jas Kayser, Maria Faust and Selen Özan moderated by Almaz Yebio where they talk about what it's like to be women in today's music industry and what they think the future will look like.
The panel discussion will be one of the highlights of the festival and will start at 17:00. It will be possible to watch the panel discussion digitally via Facebook or live at Fasching in Stockholm where the festival is held.
DATE: August 28, 2021
TIME: 17:00
Carnival, Stockholm and streaming via Facebook
Kungsgatan 63, 111 22 Stockholm
The festival is free for everyone. First come to the door. Minors enter accompanied by a guardian.
For more information, go to or visit the festival's Facebook event:
The IMPRA Jazz Festival is a jazz festival that elevates multidisciplinary art forms by women, non-binary and transgender people.
Since 2006, IMPRA has supported and highlighted musicians who identify as women, transgender and non-binary who are active in jazz and improvisational music. In 2021, IMPRA launched its own jazz festival with a focus on elevating music in jazz and improvisation and after the success of the IMPRA Jazz Festival 2021, IMPRA continued to develop its activities and in 2022 the second edition of the IMPRA Jazz Festival 2022 was arranged.
“A festival like this is needed to be able to show both young aspiring musicians and people in the industry that there are an incredible number of professional female, trans and non-binary musicians. The male genius is still used as a yardstick and when we did statistics in the association, we see a skewed distribution at the jazz festivals that exist in Sweden." - Sofia Lärkfors, Project Manager for IMPRA Jazz Festival.
Collaborators and contributors in 2021

With support from Byggnad's culture fund, Helge Ax:son Johnson's foundation and Laila and Charles Gavatin's foundation for jazz music.

IMPRA Network meeting - feminist meeting strategies

Try and learn about different conversation techniques that create equality and democracy.
To make the training relevant to you, we ask you to fill in the following survey:
It takes between 5-10 minutes to fill in the survey, depending on how detailed you want to answer.
Those of you who fill out the survey will receive a link to Zoom to be able to connect to the meeting.
Complete the survey by November 27 at the latest.
- If you haven't received the link in advance, you can connect via the Facebook event!
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