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Welcome to Klubb Kom In

Klubb Kom In
looking for new bookers!
Are you interested in organizing gigs? Klubb Kom In is now looking for new bookers/organizers.

Klubb Kom In is a club that is under the association IMPRA. The focus is jazz and improvisational music. The goal is to contribute to a multifaceted and equal music scene.

If you are interested or have questions, email:

What is Klubb Kom in?

This is IMPRA's live club for jazz and improvised music in Gothenburg.  

Klubb Kom In is a jazz club run by the association IMPRA.
Our focus is to promote an equal music scene for improvisational music.
We are so looking forward to meeting a live audience of a lifetime.
Warm and heartfelt welcome!

You will find information about our previous and upcoming concerts and events via our social media!
Make sure you don't miss a thing by following us on social media!
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
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