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For students

  • Create discussion groups with students from different lines where equality and equality issues are discussed. It can be general discussions to educate yourselves or to develop your school and your work environment.


  • To find out what is not being done - talk to others, people around you, educate and further your education.


  • Don't expect the marginalized to educate you - it's your responsibility to educate yourself.

  • Start early by including everyone to reduce the bridge between different genres and people. In all situations where we are in a room where we play music, we like to gravitate to familiar faces, we play with those we have been exposed to at school, which are often people who identify as men. What we see and are exposed to is what we feel safe with. If we are mostly exposed to a homogeneous group of people, it is important that we dare to play with other people as well.


  • We can start/continue to dare to go outside our comfort zone with who we play with and who we talk music with. It is easy to end up in closed societies and causes many to end up on the sidelines of that community. If we feel that we are safe in different musical contexts and have contexts where we talk about music, we can dare to go outside it sometimes, this does not mean that we should stop playing with the people we usually play with, but that we should dare to take the risk of get a little uncomfortable/nervous in the moment to grow in the long term.


  • When we pitch project ideas, there must be room for everyone - all people and instrument groups.


  • At jams, it's important to remember to invite singers and instrumentalists who identify as non-men. There is often an over-representation of people who identify as men.


  • Remove/work towards a boyish environment. It helps us feel safe and included.


  • The pandemic has meant that there will be fewer open jams and therefore a more closed and more selective process before jams. It is important that we try to counteract this by actively thinking about who we invite.


  • Sense the room when/if someone feels left out. If you notice someone feeling left out, be an ally. See more under Be an ally.


  • Continue to have music groups with different genders, ethnicities, ages. It contributes to increased diversity and a more inclusive environment.


  • Create a space where it is okay to make "wrongs". A safe space where we help each other is better for everyone.



Do you want to get started right away and pass this work on to your work team or study group? Take part in IMPRA's action plan. Through this tool, you and your university can concretely decide what to work on, in what order, how you will do it, who is responsible, when it will be finished and when you have reached your goal - evaluate how the work went. The action plan is free to download as a template and can be found here .

We at IMPRA hope that the IMPRA Toolbox will inspire you, that you will get concrete tools, more ideas and want to work more with gender and equality work at your school. If you feel that something is missing in an area, or if something is difficult to understand, do not hesitate to contact us if you have more ideas, thoughts or need to brainstorm ideas. You can also take a look at the Genus Conference 2021 Toolbox, where there are more tips and tools on how you can contribute to a more egalitarian music education.

If you want to know more about IMPRA's lectures, click here.

If you want help with, or to share your thoughts on, any of the above, contact us at IMPRA.

You can find contact information here .

IMPRA action plan

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